Friday, January 4, 2013


So the first race that I am to introduce is the most common on my world; the Marleth. The Marleth, are a race of good goblins that are the remnants of a virus that were created due to a world war that happened more than a millenia before the current world time. I always liked goblins, so why not have them as a good primary race. Since their is a large amount of goblin population, their are in fact multiple breeds of the Marleth that will each be slightly varied from the most common Marleth; the ones that will have no additional aformentioned name. They will just always be considered "Marleth". Now, over the month I will reldase the additional variations of Marleth, but some of the kinks have to be fixed. Due to the playtest having severly changed, I have to edit the sub-races I had already written down. I hope this post will be a good start to my world and future posts.

Marleth are travelers and nomads of the world. They survive by the sweat of their brow and live off the land.
Physical Description: Marlethians tend to have from a sandy brown, to forest green, and blood red when it comes to skin tone; and any of these colors mixed together. Their hair can be from fiery red, to onyx black, and to bone white. Eyes are any color, any really, and are large for their face. Their ears are similar to elves, but are swept back instead of up. They tend to be slightly shorter than humans, although their weight tends to gravitate towards certain spots in relation to ones gender; similar to how camels have weight distributed on their humps to survive treks across the desert. Marlethian weight is also proportionate to their height; so they are slightly lankier than humans, but not as much as an Elf however.
Society: Nearly all Marleth groups are lead by the most powerful member of the group, who appoints someone to serve under them to lead his, or her, orders. Marlethians respect power and will gladly follow the most strongest into battle with ready weapons.
Relations: Marleth see most people as is the same; outsiders. Marleth keep their relationships to those outside of their group as a relationship similar to a merchant and a trader; only their exchange and to profit from one another. Those who prove their physical worth in front of Marleth are usually seen as allies, and those who join their groups are treated as though they were family. Marlethians have a rooted animosity towards aberration, and tend to kill any they see on the spot.
Alignment and Religion: Marleth are commonly Chaotic, but Lawful ones aren't unheard of. Most Marleth worship Jareth and Rayfie Teearsae, although there have been some who worship the Old gods as well as those who sail and respect Suisund's guidance.
Adventurers: Marleth naturally travel from place to place, so adventuring is an easy transition for most Marleth. Those Marleth that seek adventure usually seek more for their roots of their race, and to claim a new home for their group to move too, although this isn't always the case. Some seek adventure for just the sake of finding strong individuals to test their merit.
Naming: The Marleth each tend to have four names; The first name to signify good character of the person, the second being the father's name, the third to tell when the child was born, and the fourth being the name of their tribe or famous ancestry.
Male Names: Badru, Chigaru, Fadil, Gahiji, Haji, Isesi, Khian, Parehu, Unas, Wenamun
Female Names: Akila, Dalila, Eshe, Ife, Khuit, Mereret, Nofret, Sanura, Tiaa, Yaret

Marleth Traits
-+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma: Marlethians are naturally agile and wise, but lack social skills with others.
-Medium: Marlethians are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
-Normal Speed: Marlethians have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-light Vision: Marlethians can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Desert Runner: Marleth receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue exhaustion, or other ill effects from running, forcedmarches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments.
Bond to the Land: Marleth gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC when in a specific terrain type selected from the ranger’s list of favored terrains. This choice is made at character creation, and cannot be changed.
Nature Survivalist: Marlethians have an ancient connection to the wild and have natural prowess when it comes towards it. Marlethians receive a +2 bonus on Survival and Ride checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Marleth are proficient in bows and scimitars.
Hatred: Marleth gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations
Languages: Guttural. Bonus languages:  Common, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan.

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