I'm sorry, I haven't posted in a while, so I decided to post this; the Chori. Basically, my take on half-elves. So here is the race, two weapons, some subraces... need to finish favored class options. Here you go everybody.
"It seems, sir, that their is an oasis on the other side of the valley, although it seems their is a hoard of monstrous scorpions surrounding it. What is your command?"
"You should know by now what we are going to do."
"Understood sir, I will advance the caravans."
"Good, nothing better than a meal with a drink. The total relaxation package."
-Sanguine and Azure Darksand
Chori clanhead and warrior in training
A race of Humanoids, Chori are known simple as "The Nomads of the Sea." It is unknown where they hail from, some theorize another plane altogether, but wherever there are seas; the race is surely to be found. They are known for their tenacity to never give up in combat and to even die trying to defend their family and allies. They travel the seas and search for structures which they call home, using as much as they can without creating anything unnecessary, and destroying the nature in the process.
Personality: Chori are a very serious race, but they'll joke around when they have nothing to fret. Due to living in the seas for, what one could assume, their entire races history, they must be serious in any case so that their clan is safe as possible. They will never give up on their goal if one is set before them, making sure that they accomplish it no matter the level of difficulty. Although this may be the case, they tend to help out anyone they meet while traveling the seas, but their precautious for those who they meet. They tend to not take kindly towards prideful individuals, and even less so to manipulators, in some cases even mortally wounding these people.
Physical Description: Chori are average in height and build, although for some reason they appear to be slim no matter the weight. Their height can range from 4-1/2 to 6 feet tall and weighing on average 115 lb. for females and 135 lb. for males. Even if males or females are heavy, they don't appear to be, in fact, they always appear to be thin. Although in some matriarchal clans, the females are said to appear fat; nobody knows why, but it occurs randomly. They are very agile, but tend to be frail. Although they have lived in the seas, their skin is incredibly pale. It ranges from white to a light tan and having hair that is usually comes in the shades that are natural to humans. Chori have body hair typical for humans, some males grow beards usually only on their chin's. They prefer simple clothes, only wearing what is necessary to survive the sea, but is typically white baggy clothing to hide weapons from their enemies as well as their skin from the sun, although it doesn't affect them at all. Their facial appearances are usually referred towards females as cute, and males as stoic. A Chori reaches adult age at around 80 years old and can live up to more than 500 years old. All Chori lack Irises, but their eyes are instead one solid color, ranging from white to dark purple. Chori also have pointed ears very similar to elves, although they are longer than most high elves.
Relations: Chori consider most races as the same, nothing against them, but nothing for them either. They have no true relations towards any race, but will help anyone that they find that wanders the sea. They always show the greatest amount of aspiration and kindness towards individuals who seek adventure and appreciation for nature. The only time they have tenacity towards any person, or group, is either due to cowardice, pride, or the destruction of nature itself.
Alignment: Due to the Chori's belief that all should be helped, unless they show signs of weak will, they gravitate towards good. Chori don't care too much of the idea of law or chaos, usually leaning towards neutrality.
Chori Lands: Although it is unknown where the Chori originally hail from, they currently rreside in Siblinthias. Most Chori live in the seas living in nomadic clans usually numbering from 20 to 70 individuals, in some extreme cases 100 individuals. They seek the seas for it is the only place that has not been touched by other races and altered in anyway. It is the epitome of survivability, something they view as symbolic to themselves. They travel across the seas, looking for abandoned structures, oasis's, caves, and underground tunnels so that they can build their homes. They frequently meet others through their travels and protect them while they can. Chori met in anything other than seas are usually on a pilgrimage to protect and save others, as well as to see the destruction of the natural world from other races.
Religion: Chori don't worship any particular god, but instead view that the world itself should be worshiped. Although this may be the case, clerics in Chori society tend to worship Barufax and Suisund due to the two gods connection to the sea.
Language: All Chori know common along with elven. Elves view this language as crude, and they refer it to having an accent. The Elves aren't entirely sure how the Chori know elven, but for as long as the Chori have been, they have spoken both languages.
Names: When a Chori is born, they are immediately named within minutes. Chori first names are usually named after synonyms to color, usually referring to either their eyes or hair. All Chori have the same surname, the exact same as the clan they are born into. The surnames are based around things that are seen in the sea. Some Chori are given a middle "nickname" in life after being observed during childhood and they are seen as unique. These names refer to how they act, and are chosen by their parents, the clan head, or the elder council of the clan.
Male Names: Alabaster, Atramentous, Azure, Beryl, Ocherous, Sanguine, Violaceous, Xanthous.
Female Names: Amaranthine, Amber, Cerulean, Melanoid, Pallid, Scarlet, Titian, Viridian.
Surnames: Blazingsun, Darksand, Flatland, Gushingflood, Nightplain, Sandrose, Shadowdune, Stormcloud, Sunoasis, Windgust.
Middle Names: Angst, Curiosity, Despair, Ecstasy, Grief, Lust, Jealousy, Pity, Remorse, Sorrow.
Adventurers: Chori take adventuring to bring good to society and to see and experience the ideas of nature and civilization. Chori seek to help out others, and adventuring is what they view as the best way possible. They also wish to see the rest of the world, soaking up the natural environment wherever they go.
Chori Racial Traits
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution: Chori are agile and intelligent,but frail. A Chori's finesse makes him a better at dodging blows while in combat.
-Chori base speed is 30 feet.
-Low-light vision: A Chori can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, tochlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
-Weapon Proficiency: Chori receive the Exotic Proficiency feat for the Karambit and the Wind and Fire Wheels. The Chori use these weapons through their travels with great proficiency, training with them at a very young age.
-Elf Blood: Chori count as both elves and humans for the purposes of items, classes, etc.
-Elven Immunities: Chori are immune to magic-induced sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
-Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception checks: Due to the Chori's great ears they can easily hear well than humans.
Indomitable Reactions: Chori have Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
-Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus languages: Batidaen, Gardan, Guttural, Huldish. Chori learn the languages of the primary races while along their sea travels, just in case they aren't as truthful as they say.
The Chori use two weapons not commonly found in most countries, both weapons created by them; the Kambit and the Wind and Fire wheels.
Karambit: This light one-handed exotic weapon is similar to a hooked dagger usually a foot long in length. While this weapon is weilded the user gains a +2 bonus to resist disarm checks and can use these for climb checks as well.
Wind and Fire Wheels: These duo light-handed weapons are always used as a pair, and are sold as such. The weapons is fifteen inches in diameter. One quarter-segment has a padded grip with a cross-guard; the other three segments have protruding flame-styled blades. With one wheel in each hand, the practitioner can slash, stab, parry, or disarm an opponent. The user gets a +2 bonus on disarm checks when using these weapons.
Weapon Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Type Karambit 25 gp 1d6 19-20/x3 - 2 lb. S or P
Wind and Fire 60 gp 1d6 18-20/x2 - 5 lb. S Wheels
Random Height and Weight
Race Base Height Base Weight Height Modifier Weight Modifier
Chori, Male 4' 8" +2d8 100 lb. x (5) lb.
Chori, Female 4' 5" +2d8 80 lb. x (5) lb.
Random Starting Ages
Barbaian Bard Cleric Rogue Fighter Druid Sorceror Paladin Monk Adulthood Ranger Wizard
Chori 80 +3d8 +4d8 +5d8
Aging affects
Middle Age Old Vernerable Maximum Age
163 years 244 years 325 years +2d% years
The above info describes what most consider the "True Chori", otherwise the most common variety. Their are four other major subraces of the Chori, so similar to the race, that many believed they were originally Chori with minor mutations.
Unlike their so-called cousins, the En-Chori are naturally tough and lack agility that their brethren have. They appear the same as their relatives, excluding their bulkier and taller appearences as well as darker range of skin. The En-Chori are commonly found within Chori clans and families, commonly suited towards being body guards due to their natural tough exteriors. They have also been known to live in their own clans, but are usually always found with at least one "True Chori" within their group.
En-Chori Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the True Chori traits, except where noted.
- +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -4 Dexterity. These adjustments replace the True Chori's ability score adjustments.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet. This trait replaces the True Chori's low-light vision.
- Weapon Proficiency: Unlike their cousins, the En-Chori trained with a different set of weapons from youth. En-Chori have proficiency with the Siangham and the Halberd. This replaces the True Chori's weapon proficiency.
Very similar to the True Chori, the Il-Chori are very good at subterfuge and sneak attacks. The Il-Chori have the same build as the their cousins, although their skin appears in shades of blue and their hair is is commonly white. Il-Chori are found in small tight knit clans, usually refraining from meeting outside individuals. They are sometimes hired for assasination's due their innate ability to not be seen.
Il-Chori Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the True Chori traits, except where noted.
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. These adjustments replace the True Chori's ability score adjustments.
- Weapon Proficiency: Unlike their cousins, the Il-Chori trained with a different set of weapons from youth. Il-Chori have proficiency with the Eagle's Claw and the Fingerblade. This replaces the True Chori's weapon proficiency.
- Natural Stealth: The Il-Chori have a natural aura about them that makes them hard to Notice. Il-Chori recieve a +2 bonus towards Stealth checks. This replaces Desert Runner.
The Ar-Chori are distant relatives to the True Chori, they are known for their riding skills. The Ar-Chori are built the same as the True Chori, although they do look scrawnier than their brethren. Ar-Chori are found in clans the same size as the True Chori, although they are commonly found herding animals of the sea. They are commonly found passing through towns within the sea, unlike their cousins, and give safe passageway for in exchange of food.
Ar-Chori Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the True Chori traits, except where noted.
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. These adjustments replace the True Chori's ability score adjustments.
- Weapon Proficiency: Unlike their cousins, the Ar-Chori trained with a different weapons from youth. Il-Chori have proficiency with the Lance and Halberd. This replaces the True Chori's weapon proficiency.
- +2 racial bonus to Ride checks; The Ar-Chori have been training to use mounts since they were young. This replaces Keen Senses.
The Tu-Chori are near exact duplicates to the True Chori, excluding a few qualities. Unlike the True Chori, the Tu-Chori are commonly found in cold plains opposed to warm seas like their cousins, but have the same idealogy. They share the same group dynamics as their cousins, although they are more serious than their brethren.
Tu-Chori Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the True Chori traits, except where noted.
- Weapon Proficiency: Unlike their cousins, the Tu-Chori trained with a different set of weapons from youth. Il-Chori have proficiency with the Ice Axe and Iuak. This replaces the True Chori's weapon proficiency.
EDIT: Chori are considered Half-Elves for favored class options; traits however are not.
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