relaxed and warlike humanoids, Batidaens are a race amongst the deepest jungles
of the world. They travel from land to land to provide service to those who
need protection from those who wish to cause harm to civilized races or who in
act war for their own selfish gains; a reason few understand but greatly
welcome to their side.
Batidaens are very similar to humans, in fact, at first glance you really
cannot tell the difference. The only real differences between humans and
Batidaens are the eyes, and the patches of hair. Batidaens have no iris, but in
fact have a single large pupil; majority of the time they are black, but there
are few blessed with pure white eyes. Along with this, Batidaens have random
tufts of fur in symmetrical positions on their body; typically on the arms and
shins, while men tend to have tufts on the chest, while females on the small of
their backs. Most Batidaens are wiry and lanky, with their strength well
hidden, but their have been cases of stocky Batidaens; very similar to
Gorilla’s in build.
Society: Batidaens follow a
caste system similar to ancient eastern dynasties. There are nobles, serfs, and
the common folk; they typically serve the head of their region, or provinces. Most
Batidaens lives are chosen and pre-planned before even birth; but these are
only heavily influenced in cities and regions ruled by the Batidaens. Outside
of these regions this practice is less forced upon children, but not unheard
of. Although arranged marriages and town positions are chosen for their kind,
if a Batidaen has a calling to war, these tasks may be stalled till they are
finished, for a Batidaen prides defending their kind and family above all other
Relations: Batidaens have
mixed relations towards the other races. Humans can be seen as both good and
bad, from their great ability and skill to any task, yet their petty use of war
to conquer opposed to protect. Marleth are seen more humbly, and are in fact
often welcomed into Batidaen groups and families due to their prior lore and
history with them. Alfar are seen as wise, yet their choice not to fight unless
necessary seen as cowardly. Chori for their ingenuity and devotion, but their
tendency to be serious often is seen as a buzz kill. Huldufolk are seen as
bright and joyous inhabitants of the forest as they are, but their demeanor
questions many Batidaens on how they actually feel and their true emotional
state. Ursans are welcomed as brothers, due to their similarities in culture,
but their devotion more to nature itself opposed to family is quite odd to
them. The Gardna are very similar to Batidaens; a similar caste system,
prearranged lives, and an act that forgoes all that; the seeking of knowledge
for their kind. Although they are quite similar, due to the betrayal thousands
of years prior, Batidaens have hatred similar to the Alfar to their kind.
Alignment and Religion: Although
the Batidaens follow a quite rigorous caste system, they themselves due this
out of necessity of their civilizations, not because of joy. Most Batidaens but
into their positions due the minimum amount of work needed for these tasks,
afterward they tend to live lie joyfully from meditation, to day dreaming, and
to simple combat training. In fact, most Batidaens are chaotic; believing that
freedom of the soul should be placed second above all else. There are some
Batidaens that are lawful, and its easier to notice in Provinces with these
individuals leading the rest. When it comes to good or bad, most Batidaens are
genuinely good, putting others ahead of themselves, however their have been a
few cases for evil Batidaens; these tend to wish to entail giant war campaigns
across countries for years of joyful war. Majority of Batidaens worship Sun
Wukong, due to his identification of freedom and his happy demeanor even in the
gravest situations. It’s not unheard of though for Batidaens to worship other
gods like Sern and, even on some occasions, Skelrodurn.
Adventurers: The most typical
Batidaen to go on an adventure, or become an adventurer for that matter, is
most often the escape of organized life. Others find it a calling to go and
seek less privileged individuals and to help them as best as possible. Others
find adventuring to be an exhilarating thrill that should be experienced by
everyone before they leave this plane; be it and end of great wealth or even
Batidaens have two names; their caste name and then their given name. The
given name is chosen by the father, and can have any meaning relating to
himself during the pregnancy of the child. The caste name however is their
surname, however appearing first; there are some famous Batidaen caste names,
but those who do have it tend to fake it for a higher position amongst other
Batidaen societies.
Given Names: Bonyo, Coto, Dono, Phaqo, Ngoro, Zoso, Khogo
Given Names: Dota, Mada, Pawaha, Sanya, Solotha, Thora, Yoza
Batidaen racial traits
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity: Batidaens are naturally
strong and agile.
Medium Size: Batidaens are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their
Normal Speed: Batidaens have a base speed of 30 feet.
Jumper: Batidaens are always considered to have a
running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.
Terrain Stride: Batidaens can move through natural
difficult terrain at their normal speed while within the forests.
Kneecapper: Batidaens gain a +4 racial bonus on combat
maneuver checks to trip an opponent.
Agile Body: Batidaens receive a +2 bonus toward Climb
and Acrobatics checks due to their natural physiology and form.
Languages: Common and Batinese. Bonus Languages: Elven,
Goblin, Huldish, Tian, Ursan, Vudrani.
Now what is below the new race, is one of the primary threats to Sernelious in this, the 3rd age of civilization. The creature below would be very similar to Shuma-gurrath, but with a mouth; three rows of anaconda like teeth. The creature also has not been playtested yet, but if it seeps either UP or OP, post and give me some tips to better balance said beasty
U-Ra CR 9
XP 6,400
CE Aberration (psionic)
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60; Perception +20
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 Natural Armor)
hp 91 (14d8+28); fast healing 5
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +12
Spd 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee Bite +14 (2d6+4)
11 Tentacles +12 (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-like Abilities (CL/ML 9th)
Constant - Detect Magic, Detect Psionics
At-will - Dissipating Touch, Energy Ray, Inertial Armor
3/day - Ectoplasmic Coccoon, Body Adjustment
1/day - Energy Ball
Str 18, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +10; CMB ; CMD
Feats Ability Focus (Draining Grasp), Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (Bite, Tentacle), Multiattack
Skills Fly +21 (14), Intimidate +20 (14), Knowledge (Arcane) +20 (14), Knowledge (Religion) +20 (14), Perception +20 (14), Survival +20 (14), Swim +21 (14)
Special Qualities psionic, draining grasp
Environment any
Organization any
Treasure none
Special Qualities
Draining Grasp (Ex) Whenever an U-Ra does a Dissipating Touch on a magical item, item must succeed a Fortitude Save (DC 20). If item fails, all magic qualities and bonus's are lost. Also, U-Ra heals health by amount equal to the caster level of the item nullified.
Well, have a Happy Hallow's Eve watchers.
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